Friday, August 2, 2013

Now I don't know what to do with myself

I've been wanting to try new embellishment techniques, so I've started stenciling a collection based on "Ya no Sé Qué Hacer Conmigo" by El Cuarteto de Nos. 

Here's my representation of "Ya tuve que ir obligado a misa":

Church of Saint Margarita summer camp 2013

I stenciled the letters and traced and painted the chalice onto a thrifted tee.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Accidental Ralph Lauren

I bought two nearly identical dresses when I was visiting family in Oregon, but only photographed one.
I did my standard removal of shoulder pads and sleeves, and hemming.


The downstairs neighbor says the white dress is Ralph Lauren. Oops. In my defense, it was super fugly. She also brought me her matching pillowcase (!) to make a bolero.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I finished something!



The back waist is shirred, so I only needed to open up the bust. I changed the angle at which the surplice front wraps in order to do so. I think the skirt is still too long. My friend thinks I should leave it, but is probably just trying to get out of pinning my hems. Thoughts?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


        I definitely need a swayback adjustment, and possibly a smaller bodice size. I'll see how it fits once it comes out of the dryer. I attached the neckline binding, but just turned the sleeve hems over and stitched them down.

         If you're making this out of a twin flat sheet, save your sanity and buy the fitted sheet or pillowcases as well. This might be the one instance where it's less fiddly than fussy cutting the top sheet.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Once Upon a February

Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? This is a muslin for Vogue 8727. The drafting on this pattern is awesome.

The skirt is super twirly. It's handy because this song always makes me think I'm a ballerina:

It's clearly best accessorized with a  fur stole. Am I doing it right?


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Secantially Related: Holy Carp Guys, Clothes are Cheap

          During WWII, there was extensive rationing of consumer goods throughout the world. Ali and Susannah wrote wonderful, insightful posts on the subject of clothing rationing, but all I have to say is that the prices are incomprehensible. In modern U.S. dollars, prices considered low for thrifted clothing were:

Common garments, price ($) threshold for second-hand 
Winter coat 45
Jacket, blazer, short coat 20
Dress, wool 41
Dress, non-wool 26
Cardigan 20
Blouses, tees 15
Skirt 15
Slacks 19
Shorts 11
Pair of boots, shoes 15

        I live in an extremely expensive neighborhood in an extremely expensive city, and would expect to pay no more than half as much as listed. I still consider this to be expensive and shop the half-off sales (whatever been there longest that week, and half off everything on every federal holiday).

        Because I'm a sack of nuts, I'm going to do the Fashion on the Ration challenge with 36 coupons, reflecting the height of rationing. Because Scandanavian girls wear their shoes until they fall off (you try finding cute shoes in 10W!), I can't usually thrift any in my size. That's probably 20 coupons a year, leaving me with 16 to replace my stockings collection. At 3 each, that's 5 pairs, which is doable with a lot of darning.

Friday, February 22, 2013

My Stash Has Gotten Out of Hand

And nearly out of chair*. I'm resolving not to buy fabric or zippers until Memorial Day.

* I don't actually store fabric on chairs. It normally lives in the linen closet.